Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Giveaway Recruiters - Your Next Job at Home?However most people don't know what these opportunities are actually about and jump in head first without actually knowing what they're getting involved in. Giveaway recruiters are people who offer trials of products and services to customers. This is a form of internet marketing in which advertisers earn commissions for referring customers to new products. The internet has made this type of work beyond easy since all you need is an internet connection and a website to start a business that really has unlimited potential. The real trick to becoming a successful internet marketer and ultimately a good giveaway recruiter is to understand how to generate online traffic. If you are planning for your next job at home to be in this industry then this is a must have skill. The backbone of internet commerce rests on internet traffic. Now there are several ways to drive traffic to your website or the current giveaway that you are participating in. The first is to advertise; if you have a budget you can take out ads on Google and other major search engines. This is a very effective method with the only drawback being that you need to have start-up cash. The other method that many giveaway recruiters use is to get people to their websites or blogs through good content. This involves writing entertaining posts that people want to read. They have to be related to the product that you are trying to advertise and give people some kind of incentive to keep reading your blog and to also try out the product that you are promoting. If this is going to be your next job at home then you need to learn and understand these strategies of marketing and advertising that the top giveaway recruiters are using to earn a living. The final step in becoming successful at this is to really know what kind of products you are dealing with. You don't want to stake your business reputation on some trial offer that is for a horrible product with bad customer service. You want to be sure to check out any product that you are promoting before you begin to run any kind of promotions for it. Many inexperienced giveaway recruiters ruin their entire careers by aligning themselves with the wrong companies and products. This is an important lesson to learn especially if you want this to be your next job at home. You don't want to shoot yourself in the foot before you even get started playing in the big leagues. careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy Bookmark and Share

However most people don't know what these opportunities are actually about and jump in head first without actually knowing what they're getting involved in. Giveaway recruiters are people who offer trials of products and services to customers. This is a form of internet marketing in which advertisers earn commissions for referring customers to new products. The internet has made this type of work beyond easy since all you need is an internet connection and a website to start a business that really has unlimited potential.

The real trick to becoming a successful internet marketer and ultimately a good giveaway recruiter is to understand how to generate online traffic. If you are planning for your next job at home to be in this industry then this is a must have skill. The backbone of internet commerce rests on internet traffic. Now there are several ways to drive traffic to your website or the current giveaway that you are participating in. The first is to advertise; if you have a budget you can take out ads on Google and other major search engines. This is a very effective method with the only drawback being that you need to have start-up cash.

The other method that many giveaway recruiters use is to get people to their websites or blogs through good content. This involves writing entertaining posts that people want to read. They have to be related to the product that you are trying to advertise and give people some kind of incentive to keep reading your blog and to also try out the product that you are promoting. If this is going to be your next job at home then you need to learn and understand these strategies of marketing and advertising that the top giveaway recruiters are using to earn a living. The final step in becoming successful at this is to really know what kind of products you are dealing with.

You don't want to stake your business reputation on some trial offer that is for a horrible product with bad customer service. You want to be sure to check out any product that you are promoting before you begin to run any kind of promotions for it. Many inexperienced giveaway recruiters ruin their entire careers by aligning themselves with the wrong companies and products. This is an important lesson to learn especially if you want this to be your next job at home. You don't want to shoot yourself in the foot before you even get started playing in the big leagues.

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Managing Your Time Effectively While Working

Being able to manage your time effectively is one of the greatest assets as a work at home professional. Most telecommuters are able to create their own schedules, however adhering to that schedule can often prove to be quite a daunting task. The things that we need most as a telecommuter are just the things that tend to hold us back the most.
One of the most important tools that we have as telecommuters is email. Although necessary, it is often a distraction. Create an email that you use strictly for work, aside from the email address that everyone else in your virtual world has. While we love the money angels and funny jokes we get daily, work is not the place to read them.

While the telephone is a necessity for any home office, it can also be a hindrance to schedule adherence. Turn the ringer off during work hours or divert personal calls to voicemail unless there is an emergency. Most of us have friends or family that figure since we work at home we can stop and gossip at any time. Sure, we could, but again that keeps us from staying on task.

The Internet is not always your friend. Yes, we need the Internet for work but we should not be surfing during work time. Countless hours are wasted on games, chat and other distractions on the Internet. Work time is not the time for Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or any of the other places we love to frequent virtually.

Television can also be the nemesis of a productive day. With the great variety of talk shows and court shows available during day time television, while quite entertaining, again can be quite the distraction. Instead, integrate television time into your day. Schedule an hour to watch your favorite show as an incentive to get some things marked off you're your to do list.

Make a reasonable schedule and stick to it. It is not reasonable to expect to sit in one spot doing nothing but work for eight to ten hours straight through. If you are able to, schedule a fifteen minute break every couple of hours to take a brisk walk around the block to get rid of some of that pent up energy. Think of the things that you love to do, whether it's watching television, taking a nap or reading a book and use that as a reward for a job well done midway through your day. Manage your time wisely and don't forget to relax while working at home

The author is a successful entrepreneur and a leader in providing work at home business opportunities to interested persons.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Jobs For Teens in a Recession

In the current recession, jobs for teens may seem impossible to find. Nevertheless, employers are still hiring in a vast array of industries, including traditional teen outlets like retail. Knowing one's skills and understanding the unique legal components to teenage work is essential for finding a key job.

One important way to find a job is by using an online job application. Recruiters for companies like Wal-Mart are constantly searching for talent, particularly as the summer approaches, but this is a great strategy for any time of the year. Too young for a resume? No way!

All a person needs to do is list his or her skills; most teenagers are socially adept and the bulk of jobs for teens focus on developing social skills, working with management and developing team strategies for getting work done. A teenager may have to think critically in such a dreadful economy, but it is possible to get work using technology like Facebook to search for jobs and read ads posted.

Many states require teenagers to be sixteen to start working and in some cases, a teenager may need a worker's permit; furthermore, work hours are limited because of regulations. For instance, an 18-hour workweek is the maximum number of hours permitted during the school year for teenagers between ages 14-15. 16-17 year olds may work an unlimited number of hours, but many managers are willing to work around school schedules and teenagers at this age range often work 8 hours, or the equivalent to a full-time shift, on the weekends.

Assuming a teenager has the legal qualifications to work, the next strategy is to decide what one likes doing. If, for example, a teenager enjoys folding clothes, communicating and helping customers during their shopping sprees, retail, such as a store like Sears, may be an intriguing option. Those preferring more manual work could look into delivering packages for Fed-Ex.

People hear gloom regarding economics, but stores will always need workers. Jobs for teens often represent that initial thrust into the world of independence and self-awareness. A teenager must never give up and plan to look for some time. It may take up to six months to find a job, but teenagers should make use of technology, cast a wide net and make sure they have the maturity to start working. If they can follow the outlined steps, most likely a teenager will soon start working.

Will Stone 

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Friday, August 27, 2010

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to Take Your Career International

These are the hottest markets for an overseas career.
by JoVon Sotak, FindtheRightSchool.com

You like what you do, but your job has become a little, well, blah. Or maybe you're just getting started in your career. Why not go international? If the idea of a new career overseas, or expanding your current career beyond U.S. borders, sounds appealing, read on to find out what sectors are hot in the international market--and which skills you need to go global.

What's hot
Juan Morales, the managing director for Stanton Chase International's Miami office (Stanton Chase builds management teams for companies throughout the world), says that several sectors are making a comeback, even sectors like finance, where the outlook has until recently been "dismal." "Overall, globally, consumer products, financial services, and life sciences are where we're seeing growth. The logistics and transportation sector is starting to come back. A lot of that has to do with industrialization in other countries and the movement of goods. Technology is also making a come back in terms of growth," says Morales.

Where's hot
Professionals in the know agree that China is hot. ABC News recently reported that China's economy is now the world's second largest and is growing at a rate of 9.3 percent, compared with economic growth of 3.8 percent in the United States. Morales says sectors to watch in China include luxury consumer products and financial services. There is also demand for top-level sales people who can speak Chinese.

Duncan McCampbell, of McCampbell Global in Minneapolis, a business consultancy that helps American businesses find overseas growth opportunities, notes that a rapidly growing middle class in China is fueling the leisure industries. More-esoteric professionals, such as museum curators and travel agents, are also in demand, as are commercial property managers.

According to Morales, these places and industries are also worthy of your attention:

The Czech Republic is showing growth and is in need of senior management to take on leadership roles and manage growing companies.

The financial-services and consumer-products markets in Dubai are growing.

Africa, particularly Lagos and Johannesburg, have industrial- and consumer-product industry growth, in addition to banking.

Consumer-products and financial sectors in Australia are also growing.

The economy in Brazil is "dynamic" and is experiencing growth in just about every sector including finance, operations, sales, and human resources.

Language barriers?
Working in another country raises the issues of language. America has been considered almost chronically monolingual, but that may be shifting. According to an April 2010 report from the U.S. Census Bureau, a lot more people are speaking a language other than English at home. That number has more than doubled in the past 30 years--and is rising at a pace four times faster than the nation's population growth.

Though English has been and continues to be the international language of business, professionals working in other countries frequently need to be able to communicate with coworkers and with customers. Lynne Sarikas, executive director of the MBA Career Center at Northeastern University in Boston, said that language competency can be a challenge when helping MBA graduates find international employment. "When there are students who have those language skills, they are in high demand," says Sarikas, who also noted that South America's job market is largely "untapped."

If you're considering an international job search, knowledge of language, as well as cultural customs, employment law, and visa requirements, can be crucial. According to Morales, "the little nuances of culture can make or break [an individual's] success in that environment. The world doesn't revolve around the U.S. any more. Cultural sensitivity is something people need to be aware of if they want to be successful in their careers in global or international kinds of roles."

Going global
If you need to take a little time to prepare for an international move, and your current company doesn't have any international offices, keep your eyes on jobs with companies that do. Sarikas recommends that her school's MBA graduates work in a company's U.S. office before going abroad, so that they can learn the company culture and make some internal contacts. Also, try to get on a project team so that you can get international exposure and build up your experience, recommends Morales. If you're not ready to strike now when these countries' sectors are hot, you can be ready when sectors in other countries come around.

Job , Jobs , Career

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Teen Career Planning - Help Your Teen To Start Early

By Abhishek Agarwal

Teens have to decide on the career that they want to pursue and their college major, not necessarily in that order. Deciding upon a college major is a difficult task by itself and takes time. Similarly, deciding upon a career path is a process that should start when the teen is still in high school and continue as that person moves into college. The reason being that career choices are fluid and young people are bound to discover new things about themselves, their likes and dislikes and skills as they go along though studies.

Selecting the right career is never an easy matter. Career planning is a process that involves several steps, particularly when it is for a teen. Both universities and business organizations have designed programs for teenagers to assist them in identifying suitable options and making a right choice of career. Such guidance can be obtained by making a payment from a university, by a student as well as any member of the public. The guide can include a questionnaire and information about several careers. The questionnaire helps the person to narrow the choices based on several criteria. A program that has been designed well could also throw light on several career choices that the person may not have known about, effectively broadening his or her horizon. Also, as young people are not clear about the growth path of different careers, they also gain clarity on this issue.

Career counselors and teenage counselors have always said that young people and college students must select a career based on their own interest and skills, not due to pressure of family or peers or some image that may have of a particular career. Thus the so called 'best' careers may not always be the right choice. Career planning for teens is a process that will try to dissuade them from such a career unless it suits the individual for reasons mentioned earlier. So many websites and magazines may list hottest jobs, best jobs for collegiates and those with highest salary and perks. However, this is not the right way to decide upon a career and hot jobs should not become an automatic choice for a teen or a young job seeker.

The process of career planning for teens exists to make sure that they select the career path and college program that is best for them as an individual. A lot of young believe, quite wrongly, that they will be stuck with the career choice that they make now, through out their life. Nothing could be more different. People change their career at several stages during their life. So, a career that is chosen now due to a college major or a training program can be changed later. However, career planning for teens goes a long way in ensuring that there is not much heart burn later.

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